Creating Content: Accessing Existing Content

Creating Content: Accessing Existing Content

  1. To view the existing sections and/or edit them as well as add new sections, then:
                1. Click on the Add Content button.


      A. Select  Go to files, then:

        i. This is where all the files that have been uploaded in previous sections appear. It shows the type, name, size, date and time modified, shared status, as well as various operations can be done on the file.

        ii. To add a file, click the Add file or drag and drop button. Files are added from your computer and are seen in a dropdown when adding files for units.

        iii. The operations that can be done on the files from the Operations column:

             Copy to clipboard

             Import as content



            ➤ Delete


            B. Select  Go to tests, then:

        i. This is where all the created tests are located. The operations of previewing, printing, editing, and deleting can be done here.

        ii. There is also access to all the questions in the course as well as a list of recently submitted tests if any, and data about the submission available.

        iii. New tests and questions can also be added from here.

                C. Select Go to surveys, then:

          i. This is where all the created surveys are located. The operations of previewing, printing, editing, and deleting can be done here.

          ii. There is also access to all the questions in the course.

    iii. New surveys and questions can also be added from here.

                D. Select Go to assignments, then:

          i. This is where all the created assignments and their information is located. The operations of previewing and editing can be done here.

          ii. New assignments can also be added from here.

    1. To view the existing lessons in the course or to add a new lesson, select:

       A. Go to lessons library

          i. A lesson is a section in a course that allows for the arrangement of units based on specific conditions like weeks or topics. The lessons contain the units, assignments, tests and surveys posted.

          ii. New lessons can be added by going this route as well.

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