Grades are divided into 3 categories:
- Class Assignments
- Quizzes/Unit Test
- Homework
There should be graded activities for each of the categories for all assessment periods.
On the LMS there are two tools used for grades and work submission. They are tests and assignments.
To create an assessment select 'Add Content' on the lesson you want the assessment to go. From the dropdown box, you can choose to either add a test or an assignment.
For Assignments
1. Enter the name of the assessment, then select the grade type. The dropdown will display the four assessment types.
2. Select the category you would like this assessment to be associated with.
3. Choose whether or not you want to include this assessment as a part of the calculation. This means whether or not the grade from this assessment will calculate toward the student's average.
4. An optional description can be entered.
5. You must then choose an 'available until' date. It is recommended that you use the date and time that you enter the grade for this field.
6. After doing this press 'ADD.'
1. Enter the name of the test, then select the grade type. The dropdown will display the four assessment types.
2. Select the category you would like this assessment to be associated with.
3. Choose whether or not you want to include this assessment as a part of the calculation. This means whether or not the grade from this assessment will calculate toward the student's average.
4. An optional description can be entered, and add an 'available until' date.
5. Select 'Save and Select Questions.'
6. You will then be redirected to a page where you can either select or add questions.