The Class Overview/Classmate Page

The Class Overview/Classmate Page

The Class Overview/Classmates Page

The class overview contains an outline of the teachers and students assigned to the class.


Class Teachers

This section shows the name of the teacher(s) assigned to the class.

To message a teacher:
  1. Click the "Send message" button beside the name of the teacher.
  2. Enter the subject of the message.
  3. Type the details of the message.
  4. Click "Send". 


Class Students

The section shows

1. The name of all the students in the class
2. The student's total points
3. Their last seen which is when last the student logged onto the platform. 
To message an individual student:
From the class overview, you send an individual student a message. 
  1. Click the "Send message" button beside the name of the student.
  2. Enter the subject in the subject field.
  3. Type the details of the message.
  4. Click "Send". 

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